Memorial Keepsakes
Memorial Keepsakes
Memorial keepsakes allow people to remember a lost loved one after they have passed on. If you have a friend or a family member who is mourning the loss of someone they loved, you can help them with a thoughtful gift of remembrance. Below we offer an assortment of memorial keepsake gifts that you can select from and share to help a friend or family member through the grieving process.

Funeral Keepsakes
A departed loved one's funeral can be the most intense period of grieving that a person can experience. As such, a thoughtful memorial gift can be crucial for helping them. Funeral keepsake ideas can include a personalized memorial wind chimes, stone, bench, or picture frame. These items can help them honor the memory of a lost parent, friend, family member, or pet that they cherish.Cremation Keepsakes
Cremation keepsakes often come in the form of jewelry. These necklaces and pendants can offer the option for a friend or family member to store a portion of the deceased's ashes in a special place on the jewelry item.Some pieces can act as keepsakes for ashes of a family member, and you can even find a special piece that acts as a pet ashes keepsake. It allows your friend or family member to keep a piece of their loved one close to their hearts, be it a close friend, parent, or beloved pet.
Memorial Keepsakes for the Home
Though the loss of a loved one can be very difficult, keeping their memory alive can be very important to the healing process of a household. A keepsake ornament can be used to decorate a Christmas tree to honor the memory of a beloved parent or grandparent. A personalized wind chime can act as a pet keepsake for your best friend's departed cat who loved to enjoy a warm summer breeze. A memorial keepsake box can help you preserve valuable items and tokens that your grandmother can use to remember your grandfather. There are even memorial angels that can offer serenity and emotional comfort after an unfortunate miscarriage.Memorial keepsakes grant your loved ones the ability to remember and honor those that they care about. Consider how you can show your support for their loss with a thoughtful keepsake gift.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What keepsake do you give when a loved one dies?
- Memorial frame, memory frame, or photo frame
- Engravable remembrance ornament
- Memorial wind chimes
- Personalized memorial bird feeder
- Musical keepsake box
- Memorial stone with photo
- Personalized music memory box
- Personalized memory box
Good keepsake ideas for a loved one who has passed away could consist of a personalized memorial bench, custom engravable stone, or remembrance picture frame. A personalized music memory box is also a beautiful tribute and cherished keepsake that honors a loved one's memory. Here are some more keepsake ideas for a lost loved one: